RS transparentthe official blog of the Percussive Arts Society

Letter from the Editor — January 2022 : All that PAS has to Offer

by Rhythm Scene Staff | Jan 03, 2022

Josh GottryHappy New Year!

As the R!S Blog enters its third year, I thought it might be worth a quick note to briefly highlight a few of the extensive resources and services that are provided by the Percussive Arts Society, particularly for those who may not have explored a membership in the society.

I will have the pleasure this upcoming spring to pass the 30-year benchmark as a PAS member. I first joined PAS as a high school senior, attended my first PASIC in 1995 in Phoenix, Arizona, and have served as a chapter officer, a committee member and committee chair, a new literature reviewer for Percussive Notes, and now work as the editor of Rhythm! Scene. I have benefited greatly from local percussion events sponsored by my state chapter, contributed articles to PAS publications, and enjoyed articles submitted by others to enhance my professional development as well as share with students in my private studio. PAS has allowed me to connect with colleagues and industry professionals around the world and continues to enhance and add to its website and social media outlets.

In addition to the R!S blog, which is free to any interested readers, PAS publishes six issues of Percussive Notes each year, posts regularly to its YouTube channel, facilitates chapter Facebook groups, provides reviews of new literature and recordings, manages a world-class museum — the list goes on and on! Starting this year, regional Days of Percussion will bring the PASIC experience in a two-day package closer to home for many who haven’t made it out the annual convention. State chapters are still hosting local events as well in all areas of percussion performance and percussion education.

Despite the hurdles of the past couple years, the Percussive Arts Society remains active, healthy, and committed to providing a wealth of services to its members and the percussion community at large. I hope you will further explore these resources and, if you aren’t a PAS member already, consider joining the society and becoming a part of this incredible family of percussionists!

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Letter from the Editor — January 2022 : All that PAS has to Offer

Jan 3, 2022, 08:00 AM by Rhythm Scene Staff

Josh GottryHappy New Year!

As the R!S Blog enters its third year, I thought it might be worth a quick note to briefly highlight a few of the extensive resources and services that are provided by the Percussive Arts Society, particularly for those who may not have explored a membership in the society.

I will have the pleasure this upcoming spring to pass the 30-year benchmark as a PAS member. I first joined PAS as a high school senior, attended my first PASIC in 1995 in Phoenix, Arizona, and have served as a chapter officer, a committee member and committee chair, a new literature reviewer for Percussive Notes, and now work as the editor of Rhythm! Scene. I have benefited greatly from local percussion events sponsored by my state chapter, contributed articles to PAS publications, and enjoyed articles submitted by others to enhance my professional development as well as share with students in my private studio. PAS has allowed me to connect with colleagues and industry professionals around the world and continues to enhance and add to its website and social media outlets.

In addition to the R!S blog, which is free to any interested readers, PAS publishes six issues of Percussive Notes each year, posts regularly to its YouTube channel, facilitates chapter Facebook groups, provides reviews of new literature and recordings, manages a world-class museum — the list goes on and on! Starting this year, regional Days of Percussion will bring the PASIC experience in a two-day package closer to home for many who haven’t made it out the annual convention. State chapters are still hosting local events as well in all areas of percussion performance and percussion education.

Despite the hurdles of the past couple years, the Percussive Arts Society remains active, healthy, and committed to providing a wealth of services to its members and the percussion community at large. I hope you will further explore these resources and, if you aren’t a PAS member already, consider joining the society and becoming a part of this incredible family of percussionists!

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Percussive Arts Society
127 E. Michigan Street Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46204
T: (317) 974-4488
F: (317) 974-4499