This complete “outfit,” No. 1500, was sold ready-to-play with all drums, hardware, and cymbal. The outfit is comprised of a 5 1⁄2 x 14 inch snare drum, 9 x 13 inch tom, 14 x 22 inch bass drum, a 12-inch Kent “Turkish-type” cymbal, bass drum pedal, snare stand, tom mount, cymbal post, sticks and brushes. The outfit also features Kent’s ratchet design tom holder, chrome-plated hardware, disappearing bass drum spurs and cymbal post, and Remo Weather King drumheads sold with the E.W. Kent brand name.
All drums on this outfit have six lugs with separate tension for each head and two-ply, maple shells. The drums are covered with “silver sparkle” wrap, which has changed color due to the normal process of aging with this type of material. The snare and tom each have a single, center-lug design with triple-flanged hoops, but the bass drum has separate lugs for each head and wooden hoops. Though the snare drum has Kent’s early strainer, the blue, aluminum badge suggests that this set was manufactured in the latter part of the company’s operating years, probably the early 1960s. The snare stand, now a Hamilton brand, is not part of the original outfit.