Internship Testimonials

A word from the PAS Intern alums...

Working with the Percussive Arts Society was one of the most rewarding times in my musical career. From the start, the staff welcomed me as a member of the team and gave me important jobs and tasks to keep the organization running smoothly. The internship gave me experience in all aspects of the percussion industry from leading tours in the Rhythm! Discovery Center, handling rare and historical percussion instruments, communicating with artists for PASIC and, organizing new music literature for reviews. The internship also gives you the ability to meet numerous percussionists and musicians that create connections that will last for years. Preparing for PASIC drastically increased my ability to multi-task multiple projects at once and gave me confidence to quickly adapt to stressful situations on the go. Seeing the convention come together and all your hard work come life was the most rewarding experience during my time with PAS. If you are looking to further your career in the music industry and gain valuable experience in the world of percussion, then look no further than the PAS internship.

Nels Vangen
Fall 2016 Intern

Anyone who is considering a career in the percussion industry, or the music industry in general, should consider the PAS internship as a great stepping stone. During my time at PAS, I gained valuable experience related to music publications, logistics, marketing, networking, and education. The staff at PAS is relatively small, so the intern is treated as an important member of the team and is trusted with many responsibilities. The tasks associated with the internship are ideal for any percussionist who is passionate about growing our art form, from educating local youth about percussion at the Rhythm! Discovery Center, to assisting with the production of PASIC, and everything in between. Additionally, the intern has a great opportunity to network and make valuable, lasting connections throughout the percussion world. Gaining real-world experience right out of college helped me grow as a professional, and realize the skills necessary to succeed in the music industry. I will always be thankful for the opportunity to work for PAS and would consider the internship a very rewarding experience!

Joe Hujet
Sales Representative, Hal Leonard Corporation
Spring 2016 Intern

The PAS Internship was by far the most amazing internship and life experience I've had to date. I wasn't treated as an intern to grab coffee, but instead, I played a very vital role within the organization and had real responsibilities to work on. Giving tours to hundreds of local children at the Rhythm! Discovery center was not only an amazing experience for my personal growth, but it was also extremely gratifying to be able to inspire young children and get them excited about percussion. Planning for PASIC 2015 was one of the most challenging yet rewarding projects I got to work on during the internship. From designing floor plans to processing artist contracts and emailing with sponsors, the experience I gained leading up to PASIC, and then while working PASIC, has given me a ton of confidence in my abilities and the skills to be able to work with many different kinds of people through complex situations in order to achieve something incredible. This internship will throw everything at you but in the end will give you a sense of accomplishment, confidence, and an edge in the market to help advance your personal goals.  

Dan Ainspan
Social Media & Web Content Manager, PAS
Fall 2015 Intern

The PAS Internship was a fantastic, hands-on learning experience that served as an important stepping stone to my career in the percussion industry. This internship provides you with a well-rounded view of the many aspects of the music industry and the non-profit sector. From the moment I started the internship, I was treated as a valuable member of the PAS team, and my responsibilities ranged from giving museum tours of Rhythm! Discovery Center to working closely with PASIC 2014 artists and their sponsors. This variety of tasks this internship allowed me to do has definitely prepared me to pursue any career in the music industry, and I highly recommend this internship to any person that wants to work in the percussion industry!

Keylee Fletcher-Levy
Social Media Profile Manager at Main Street Hub
Fall 2014 Intern

Being the spring Intern at PAS has been an incredibly educational and inspiring journey. Since PAS has a relatively small staff and such a wide range of responsibilities, I was able to gain invaluable experience in many different areas. Whether it was writing condition reports on Rhythm! Discovery Center’s priceless collection, facilitating drum circles and giving tours, working the PAS booth at events, helping plan new exhibits, or meeting some of the biggest names in the percussion industry, I was always gaining exposure to completely new experiences and people. Being constantly pushed out of my comfort zone and into real-world situations was far more helpful than any class I could possibly take and has helped me identify and develop the skills necessary to begin my career in the music industry. Not to mention becoming friends with the incredible staff at PAS and living in a wonderful city! Working for PAS has been an eye-opening and energizing experience that I would highly recommend to percussionists in any career path!

Erin Jeter
Executive Director, Musical Family Tree
Spring 2013 Intern

I cannot say enough about how valuable the PAS internship was for me. During the course of the internship I learned a lot about being a part of an office staff, met many great industry professionals, and got to interact with many of my percussion and drumming heroes. One of the things I enjoyed most was getting to work with the PAS instrument collection and learn more about the evolution of modern percussion instruments and the proper care of these instruments. From the first day of the internship, you are thrown into the mix right away. Unlike other internships where you might do small things to assist a company, the PAS internship is treated like a real position where you have many responsibilities and duties to fulfill. I am very grateful to have had this opportunity to work with PAS and would encourage others to apply for the internship without any hesitation.

Heath Towson
Spring 2011 Intern

The Percussive Arts Society internship was a launching pad for my journey within the music industry. Through my involvement with PASIC, the PAS publications, and the PAS museum and library, the internship helped me discover career opportunities in the music industry that can unlock my full potential. Assisting with PASIC allowed me to gain and maintain contact with artists and educators alike, as well as introducing me to a variety of job opportunities available in the music industry. Working with the country’s most extensive collection of percussion instruments and literature afforded me an exclusive opportunity to meet knowledgeable, passionate percussionists from around the country. Along with the relative field experience any internship offers, the PAS internship allows each intern the freedom to be creatively constructive. With unending support and inspiration from the entire PAS Team, I was able to truly contribute to the future of the internship and the organization.

Kelly Strait
Formerly Web/Social Media Content Management, Educational Support, Artist Relations at Pro-Mark Drumsticks; currently a graduate student at the University of Notre Dame
Fall 2007 Intern

Anyone interested in becoming an intern with PAS can be assured they will have a great work environment, gain experience through a wide variety of projects and tasks, and make a large number of industry contacts that are crucial in building one's career. PAS gives their interns a great deal of freedom and personal responsibility which allows them to create their own experience catered to their specific goals. From my first day in the PAS offices, I was treated as another staff member, not as an intern who runs errands. I was given a great many real tasks and responsibilities and further given the space and freedom to find my own ways of accomplishing them. PAS interns will encounter no training-wheels or safety nets, just priceless real world experiences. Playing a key role in the production of a major event like PASIC, interacting with high-profile artists, and dealing with major manufacturers, publishers, and educators are just a few of the many things I was able to list on my resume just six months after completing my undergraduate degree. Without doubt, these experiences have given me a competitive edge over my peers as well as a great deal of confidence as I further my career in the music and audio industries.

Jeff Piper
Recording Engineer/Producer, Chicago Recording Company, Chicago IL
Fall 2004 Intern

The remarkable internship at PAS provided the essential music industry experience and professional contacts that made me a marketable candidate in the music industry. I developed professionally through my intense involvement in the planning and implementation of PASIC and other responsibilities at the PAS office. Not only did I assist in the building of an internationally-acclaimed nonprofit organization, but I also created many long-lasting friendships and contacts in the percussion world and throughout the entire music industry.

Jon Feustel
Senior Specialist, In Store Marketing, Target Corporation
Fall 2003 Intern

Working as the first ever PAS intern in 1993 provided me with the opportunity to gain a deeper understanding of the percussion industry while utilizing the theories that I studied as a Music Business major at Western Illinois University. The PAS internship was my springboard into the music products industry. As an intern, I was able to network with the owners and managers of every drum and percussion company. This networking opportunity eventually led to multiple job offers upon the completion of the program. I have worked with major percussion manufacturers like Yamaha, Sabian, Pro Mark and Zildjian, and in 2003, I started my own percussion sales and marketing company. I have been involved with PAS in a variety of capacities since 1987 and will continue my involvement throughout my career. The internship at PAS helped my career in the percussion industry. I do not think I could have been as successful in the industry if I had not been an intern at PAS.

David Kelley
President, Kelley International Sales & Marketing, Inc.
Vice President, Tycoon Percussion
Fall 1993 Intern

Contact Us

Percussive Arts Society
127 E. Michigan Street Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46204
T: (317) 974-4488
F: (317) 974-4499