PAS Recent News

2021 Chapter Update

Feb 23, 2021, 12:25 PM by PAS
The Percussive Arts Society is excited to share changes to the chapter structure that will enhance the chapter experience for current and future members.
To the members of the Percussive Arts Society community:

For more than five years, members of the PAS Board of Directors, Board of Advisors, current and past chapter officers, and many others within our community have had conversations, meetings, created task forces, and surveyed our members in order to understand and improve the chapter experience within the Percussive Arts Society.

What we learned is that the general concept around what a chapter does has not changed in nearly 50 years, even as the world around us and our own organization has evolved in so many ways.

This is why, together, we are excited to share some changes. We are confident that these changes will serve to enhance the chapter experience for our current and future members.

One of  the most noticeable changes that you will see effective 2021 is that the program known as Day of Percussion™ will no longer be held on a state level, but rather on a regional basis, with our inaugural events scheduled for April 2022. This change will allow state chapters to better identify the needs and interests within their community, and create meaningful new programs and activities to meet those needs. 

In addition, chapter elections will be held on a three-year basis, and we encourage everyone who is interested to get involved. All current members will be notified when elections are held for their state chapter and are encouraged to apply or nominate someone else. 

We invite everyone to review the new Chapter Officers Handbook which gives updates to the structure and regional information, as well as potential programs that each chapter may provide.

We are looking forward to the future and are excited for the new, more inclusive opportunities that these changes will create for the PAS community. 


The Board and Staff of the Percussive Arts Society 

Contact Us

Percussive Arts Society
127 E. Michigan Street Suite 600
Indianapolis, IN 46204
T: (317) 974-4488
F: (317) 974-4499